One selfie is all it takes for our smart science to analyze your unique features and reveal the colors that enhance your natural beauty. Get a personal color pallet

Color Analysis

Scan your face without glasses
Step 1
Step 2
Get palette for your color type
Step 3
Choose clothes that match your color type
You’re one selfie away from seeing your personalized color palette. Our smart science will analyze your features and reveal the colors that will best enhance your natural beauty.

Color Analysis

Explore the right shades for you, considering the temperature (warm - cold), depth (light - dark) and saturation (bright - soft) of each hue.

Color temperature

Once your color type is determined your color type, you’ll be able to explore your color palette. These hues are perfect for dressing the top half of the body - think blouses, sweaters, tops and dresses.

Color type palette

Warm olive or cold emerald? Bright orange or pastel peach? Each colour has hundreds of shades, so it’s important to find the right one for you. Your unique palette is always on hand in the app, making shopping completely fuss-free. You’ll be receiving compliments from friends in no time!

What is your color?

When you’re working on your wardrobe, it’s important to understand your own personal style. There’s no point copying trends you’ve seen elsewhere: it’s all about finding an aesthetic that enhances your beauty and works for your lifestyle.

Outfits by Сolor type

Understanding your personal Style DNA is the key to looking and feeling your best

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